Thursday, May 20, 2010

פ' נשא

In LA for Parshat Naso, thinking of the Rebbe Reb Leonard

Ayein Od:The Talmid Muvhak & Reb Leonard

1 comment:

gershon said...

Thanks for such a great post!
Great interview from a brother-searcher from my hometown... i still remember when i first read poems from "stranger music"

scary line in the interview:
"...dissolve in the midst of a prayer... but in the mainstream these things had the status of superstition. I think that was a very unsatisfying condition. Many of our brightest and best looked for it but simply couldn't find it."
Sounds eerily similar to Rav Shlomo's calls for a renewal of the spiritually-bankrupt establishment.
We should all be zoche...