Monday, September 11, 2006

In Honor of Chai Elul: Nye Zhuritze Chloptzi!

Today is the Birthday of both The Baal Shem Tov Hakadosh & The Alter Rebbe, R' Shneur Zalman the Baal HaTanya.
May Hashem help us strengthen our kesher to these Tzadikim and our relationship with each other.
I just got off the phone with one of the chevra, currently (temporarily!) exiled to Washington Heights... Stay strong, and remember:
"Nye zhuritzi chloptzi shtoh s'nami budiet mi paidem nuh karchunki tam ie vodka budiet..." *

* (Translation: Don't worry, fellows, about what will become of us...We will travel to an inn; over there will surely be vodka)'s description:
"A carefree, Joyous melody, dating from the time of the second Chabad Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe. Originally sung by his Chassidim as they traveled the road to Lubavitch on their way to visit the Rebbe. Symbolically, the words reveal the deep devotion of the Chassidim to their Rebbe.
When they arrive at Lubavitch, they will lack nothing."

A gutn moed!

Great Paintings by: Reb Zalman Kleiman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shalom Aleichem, Rebbe Schlepper...the sign man has returned!...I'm including a link to another strong version of nye zhuritze chloptzi... on the kapeliah live...i hope it works...and don't forget, the best guitarists know when NOT to play...