Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Preparing for Yom Kippur

Of all the powerful tefillos we say during these days- the words at the very end of Selichos are the ones that, for me, resonate most deeply:

"Rachmana- O Merciful One, Who answers the broken-hearted: please answer us..."

The Rebbe's niggun - which was revealed in 1959- is the "soundtrack" for this week:

Listen to the Rebbe's beautiful niggun here.

Check out a "new" version by Lubavitch rappers Ta Shma (Feat. Matisyahu) HERE.
Heimishe Art by Reb S.Z. Kleiman HERE


Anonymous said...

dear reb judah
first let me say its great to read your blog and see/read what you ae up to. When talking about songs that get one ready for yom kipur one must look no further then reb shlomo's "Kivakoras" (track 3 on Barchi Nafshi). One can not hear it and not be brought to tears. Wishing you and all of klal yisroel a year filled with bracha ,and the comming of mosheach soon.

Anonymous said...

That new version is AWESOME!!