Friday, December 08, 2006


Preparing for Rosh Hashana L'Chasidus: י''ט כסלו

Intense version of Alter Rebbe's Niggun (Ya"t Kislev 1983)

Please join us this Motzai Shabbos for a special
Melaveh Malka & Farbrengen w/ Shlomo Katz @ 8pm

*p.s. Ya"t Kislev Update & News Flash :

Ziggy Beware!!

Impossible to break the seal of the High Priest...
Careful down there in the husk of the 49th Level!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Yom-Tov!
May we all be zocheh to Fabreng together next year in Yerushalayim!