Sunday, January 28, 2007

Preparing for Tu B'Shvat

ע''ץ: עין צדיק

Chasdei Hashem: This week marks 2 years since the Manhig of Breslov-Tzfas,
HaRav Elazar Mordechai Kenig shlit"a got a new lease on life.
See and Hear one of the Tzadikim of our generation express Thanks to הקב''ה via Skype HERE

Torah for Beshalach & Tu B'Shvat HERE
More Solid Chodesh Shevat teachings HERE and if you've had your Wheaties : HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Yud Shvat!
When the Rebbe "assumed mantleship" the whole entire world changed, The Rebbe had an impact in one way or another on almost everyone i know, so may we all be zocheh to learn and live The Rebbes messages to bring moshiach closer every single second with every action we do. everyone go Fabreng!

AND in honor of th Frediker Rebbe's yahrtzeit, may we never be afraid of the weapons (especially revolvers) of the goyim however they manifest themselves...