Shneur Zalman Rubishov, ("Shaza"r ") - Israel's 3rd President, came from a Lubavitch upbringing, but wandered (off) into secular Zionism. Nonetheless- a Jew always remains a Jew, and a Chabadsker is always connected to his roots...
"כידוע"- The Alter Rebbe’s Niggun Daled Bavos is "Sanctum Sanctorum", and is sung in public only on very specific, holy occasions. Privately however, when a Lubavitcher (or anyone really) finds theselves in a difficult situation, singing The Alter Rebbe's Niggun is like picking up the bat-phone to gain direct access and yeshuos.
In 1947, Shaza"r was sent by the Jewish Agency to the UN General Assembly to attend the deliberations regarding the establishment of The Jewish State in Palestine. Shazar was sitting there 'on shpilkes' - anxious, and wondering how the vote would turn out. Under pressure and in a pinch, he attempted to sing the Alter Rebbe's Niggun Daled Bavos (what else could he do?!)- but the niggun disappeared from his memory.Shazar was shvitzing as he tried to recall the familiar tune, but realized that the gates of Heaven were closed... Finally, in total desperation, he reached into his pocket and took out a slip of paper, upon which he wrote the words, "Ana Hashem Hoshia Na!" and handed it to a Yid sitting behind him. The man- who Shaza"r didn't know- immediately handed back the paper with the words, "Ana Hashem Hatzlicha Na!"
Heaven’s gates burst open; from the depths, the Alter Rebbe’s Niggun came down... Shazar was filled with a sense of comfort and confidence, and soon after, the motion for a Jewish State passed 33 to 13 (with 10 countries abstaining). Shazar later told this story to Rebbe Yosef Yitzchok, the Previous Rebbe zy"a, who responded by saying that the passing of the notes was like an act of prayer...
*Many thanks to Rabbeinu Yona for this teaching, and to his supporting staff: Robert Nesta, Jonas HaAdmoni, Akiva ben Canaan, and the rest of The Revolutionaries who continue to work selflessly for The Cause
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