Monday, April 16, 2007

Whistle While You Work

Music for Sefira & Beyond...

There once was a time- before radios, tapes, CD's, MP3 players and iPods- when unless they were at a wedding or could play the fiddle or chalil- Jews probably had to sing in order to hear music.
I would imagine that Jews would hum a niggun, sing a tune and 'whistle while they worked': fixing trousers, shlepping water, tending the inn, delivering milk, chopping wood (or lending money to gentiles at very high interest rates).

Many of those niggunim- songs of yearning and brokeness, pleading and dveikus are recorded on Beyond Words - Yehuda Solomon's beautiful, 3-volume collection of great niggunim - all sung acappella.

Excellent selections from The Alter Rebbe, Reb Shlomo, The Rebbe Reb Meilech, The Rizhner, Ropshitzer & Breslov... very worthwhile.

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