Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ride the Lightning

King of Ju-Metal.

This aggressive Chabadnik from Montreal considers himself a shaliach of the Rebbe and is influenced by Metallica & (lehavdil) Dovid HaMelech.

(Nachum Hascalovici claims to know him from the neighborhood, and vouches for his hard-core & Lubavitch credentials.)

My favorite is his very intense rendition of the classic Lubavitch Tzama ("Hey Johnny") Niggun.
(כידוע the mussar of that niggun is about wasting time, והבן)

Regardless of one's musical taste- props to this Jew, for refering to himself as the "kike on the mike". Well done.

For the record, he also has the Avi Bohorodzaner Seal of Approval.

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