Saturday, September 22, 2007

In Honor of My Holy Sister's Holy Daughter

Mazal Tov! Intense post-Yom Kippur bath-time discussion regarding what Sarah & Ari from Chicago's new baby's name will be: Hoovie Groovie's guess can be seen HERE , while Tiferet insists that "Krembo" is more appropriate as a boy's name. Ayelet Hashachar is betting that she'll be named "Ayelet".

Our daughters' chanting "girls are the best", and the subsequent debate I had with my kids about Boy vs. Girl names, (as well as with the recent silly Artscroll Women's Siddur "controversy"- in the back of my mind), reminded me of Reb Shlomo's teachings on the Holiness of Women (& "Women's Lib"):

"...What is equality? Do you want to be like a man, like a dopey man? There is no equality, because man doesn't have his place either... The whole world is degraded, and nobody has his place. G-d has noplace in this world. Right now, before Messiah is coming, somethingis happening to the whole world. People will know where they are supposed to be. Woe to the woman who is equal to a man now, because the man is the biggest shmendrik in the world. What's so good about him? What's so good about being equal to a man who works like a dog and then comes home, watches television and snores?"

To my dear siblings and friends: May we be zocheh to raise happy, healthy, confident Bnos Yisrael who will pray from traditional sidurim and enjoy Krembos together on Shabbos until the coming of Moshiach.

May Hashem Save us and all of Am Yisrael from Kelipas Barbie (Yemach Shemah)!!

What's so good about being equal to a man who works like a dog and then comes home, watches television and snores?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blogspot work is a continuous source of inspiration for all.
May G-d continue to bless you and your whole extended family with shefa bracha v'hatlazha!