Sunday, October 21, 2007

iPod Hachanos for US Tiyul, Part III

North American Spark Gathering: The Remix -
is being planned for the end of November (Shavua Shechal Bo Yud Tes Kislev).
iPod Hachanos are under-way.
Here are some worthwhile (and mostly free) downloads to check out:
>The Divine Cord: Davening with the Alter Rebbe -Rav Daniel Kohn, Rav of Bat Ayin (and one of the founders of the yishuv and Yeshiva) on contemplative prayer from The Admo"r HaZakein)

>Restore My Soul / Sefer Mesivas Nefesh - Audio shiurim by Rav Nosson Maimon, Maggid Shiur at Yeshiva Chasidei Breslov in Meah Shearim

>Lekutei MoHaran & Assorted Breslov Topics by Rabbi Dovid Sears, by Rav Dovid Sears

Sefer Meor Einayim - Audio Shiurim by Rav Shmuel Zucker from Yeshivas Derekh HaMelekh

The Mittler Rebbe on Sha'ar HaYichud Rav Binyomin Walters on Seder Hishtalshelus


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