Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Mabool: Jew-Metal?


Rebbe Nachman Teaches:
"A holy melody gives strength to the forces of holiness. But the music of the sitra achra, the other side, damages these forces and lengthens the exile. It makes people stumble and traps them like birds in a snare. Be very careful never to listen to this kind of music at all. The musicians and singers who produce it have no religious intentions whatsoever. On the contrary, they only want to make money or become famous. Listening to this kind of music can seriously weaken your devotion to G-d. But the melodies played by a truly religious, G-d-fearing musician can be very inspiring. They can strengthen your devotion immensely..." (Likutei MoHaran I:3)

Consider: popular Israeli heavy metal band "Orphaned Land" and their "hit song" "Mabool". These Jews grew up in Petach Tikvah, and base lots of their songs on פסוקים and Sefardic פיוטים - I guess everybody has their own "Avoda".

A Sample of some lyrics from their very intense and sometimes disturbing album:

Nora El Nora (Entering The Ark)
Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura shuvi elay malki
Dodi refa, nafshi nichsefa, lebeitach malchi
Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura
Nora Ashira, Lach akabira, shir mahalali
Lecha etna menat chevly vegoraly
Bekol zman azor el nora, geza avraham, netzer tifa'ara,
Ata el hai noten Torah

Translation:Nora El Nora, the lord of courage
Return me my lord, mend my wounds,
my soul is yearning, and in valor we wait.
Nora: I sing thee, a hymn of praise,to you I give my life and faith
Through all time, mighty Nora, deliver us progeny of Abraham,
Offspring of greatness, you are the living God, giver of Torah

Mabool (The Flood)
"...Hineni mavi et hamabool maimarubot hasham al ha'aretz, Leshachet kol basar asher bo ruach chaim mitachat hashamaim, Kol asher ba'aretz yigva...Vemachiti et kol hayekum asher asiti me'al pney ha'adama"

Translation:And, behold, I, do bring a flood of waters uponthe land to destroy all flesh,wherein is the breathe of life,from under heaven, and every thing that is in theLand shall die...and I shall wipe away the world I created upon the land. May the lord eternal save his troubled child...
As he passes through rain and storm,
Behind the walls of this hallowed ark of wood,
Our prophets found a revelation, which they understood
Onto the lands of fearful heaven comes a flood earsing all
Landing as if a ruthless bird of prey to crush all human souls
The lightning colors of the sky with flames of light
Hell shines above us and the fires bright
Erasing the works of the common man, all we hold dear is set alight

"Bayom haze nivkeu kol ma'ayanot tehom rabave'arubot hashamaim niftechuvemey hamabool hayu al ha'aretz"

Translation:...In the seventh day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven had opened......And the waters of the flood, were upon the land...Shattered glass reflects this shattered world, barren in the landscape here
Thunder roars as a lion caged, heat that comes like waves of fear
Oceans rise and rage as we watch the world powers fall
Redeeming their sinful ways with their souls
May the truth fill their hearts, let them see the light, when they embrace their gods

"Vehine charvu pney ha'adama...Shofech dam ha'adam, ba'adam damo yishapech"

El Norra Alila- the vengeful God
The Storm Still Rages Inside
The lightning flashes tension's high
Bringing light to darkened skies
Like Jonah in the belly of the beast
Inside the ark the sound desist
And so the ark sweptupon the rising water...Forty days and forty night
There came a mighty flood upon the land
Where once were green pastures teeming with life
Now were oceans deeper than any abyss
"Out of depths of sorrow I cry
Before thee I lie
If this world shall inherit the mild
Hear your orphaned child..."
Lord pray tell save thy child
The storm still rages inside
Lord guide them Unto dry land, Amen.

P.S. Other Niggun for Parshas Noach HERE & HERE

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