Saturday, January 26, 2008

In Honor of Gimmel February

"From Super Bowl to Super Jew":
"My former teams are the best in the NFL and although we all can learn about being a team player in life from football, if you really want to see what teamwork is all about, go take a look at Rabbi Kaplan and his “players” in downtown Fort Lauderdale
and all of the other Shluchim world-wide who follow
the ultimate “coach” of G-d’s team – the Lubavitcher Rebbe..."
- Alan (Shlomo) Veingrad, former Offensive Lineman with the Green Bay Packers & Dallas Cowboys, and a Member of Super Bowl XXVII Champion Cowboys team in 1993.

This Jew started 16 games as a rookie with the Green Bay Packers, and played for five years, and was the personal shomer of renown Areilim Troy Aikman & Emitt Smith.

(The latter gentile bought Reb Alan a Rolex watch after winning the rushing title;

**Please Note: "יצאתי מגדרי" on this sports oriented post; thanks to Avi Lichtshein for the mekor)

Here is what next week's Galil Tiyul (formerly known as the "Super Bowl Tiyul") may look like:

Kosher Pigskin??


BelgianBlogger said...

Definitely worth our respect :-)

alicht said...

dear rebbe;
thanks a lot for the kind shout out.
but the real gadlus of this post is noting how Reb Shlomo was "the personal shomer of renown Areilim Troy Aikman & Emmitt Smith." (although according to Captain Dovi Fischer there is a rumor that Emmitt Smith was nolad mahul).
additionally, shmad thought the "hataras ha'sfeikos" post was "the funniest thing i have ever seen in my life."
all in all, we all hope to see soon...and @ Justin the Jews wedding/Purim Kattan seudah & shiur in YU.
-regards from the YRY Rav Sobolofsky chevra