Saturday, February 28, 2009

שבוע טוב

Live from Kfar Tapuach, It's...
כ''ק האדמו''ר שליט''א

(פשוט Losing it within the first 2 minutes, then getting it together later on in the evening.. Very excellent Revenge Medley starting @8:00; showing us how it's done @ 12:20+ )

A Classic, from The Official Poet Laureate of JBV:


Anonymous said...

For those who recall, the second video strikingly resembles Aharon Sar HaBitachon's hachnasas sefer torah in late august '07. And in fact I think I drove the same mitzvah tank in the video with Rav Judah's help hondling the baal h'buhs.

[Fond memories of that guy really feeling Bochner's game, and showing us some of the finest moves that have ever hit Mercaz Beit Shemesh]

Menachem Mendel said...

I learned a few thing from the fist video:
1. Dov Shurin doesn't give
2. Dov Shurin appears to be using a tie as a guitar strap
3. There is a Shmadt impersonator at 3:30 posing as a bachur from Tapuach
4. Dov Shurin is b.a

Anonymous said...

Yechi Kahana

Anonymous said...

it all makes sense now;
i finally understand why your neshomah is "keshurah b'nafsho"

(only the die-hards [in addition to yourself] will catch that reference)

Li'get said...

the only way this could've been better was if Uncle Laybish zt'l was there....or if there were only red light bulbs in the room.