Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"My Home Sweet Home" ??

Ed. Note: Aside from the obvious..c'mon! If you sing that song with such intensity, what is left for Stav ya Pitu or the Alter Rebbe's niggun?


Anonymous said...

This telethon only keeps getting weirder... That black "ki va moed" choir should teach that yid some real niggunim

Anonymous said...

The Maharitz Chajes said:

As long as we are living in a foreign land, we are required to feel the pain of, and rejoice with, the nation we currenty reside in.

R Chajes said this in regard to the Austro Hungarian Empire, which, while relatively benevolent towards its Jews, was hardly as welcoming as the US of A...

That said, it is time to GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE.