Monday, October 13, 2008

"Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?", Part I

Reb Moshe Levi:
Official Musical Fix-it-Man of JBV

** Newly Released Footage!
(W/ Cameo Appearance by St0quachino Rebbe & Rabbeinu Bochnah):
Recorded Live @ The Annual Pre-Pesach Biyur Chametz BBQ Tikun,
13 Nisan 5768
(Footage from יו''ט שני סוכות BE"H soon...)

תיקונים in the car-wash parking lot next to Beit Shemesh train station
(Anyone with information regarding the identity of the dancing Jew in front of the stage- please contact our Administrative offices!):

Classic Tikkun & Original Fixing at 1:15 לכבוד רבי שמעון :

Aside from his role as "the other guy" in אין עוד מלבדו and doing his thing at Kever Dan, Moshe has a great solo album out... Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of כל השירים - please contact our administrative offices for bargain pricing.

Please Note: This is a pre-scheduled post, and was prepared during Menachem Av 5768 for a scheduled Sukkos Upload. (As a "teaser" for Moshe's scheduled participation in the Water Shlepper's Celebration, Chol HaMoed Sukos 5769)

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