Tuesday, November 04, 2008

One We Can Win...

Lets win (at least) one for the good guys (or, girl) today!

Vote for this heimishe tzadekes - the founder of YALDAH Magazine.

YALDAH is written and produced by Jewish girls, for Jewish girls. It promotes Torah values and encourages self-esteem in an exciting, fun, engaging format. Leah started the magazine when she was 13 years old, because she couldn't find something already in print that was both interesting and consistent with Torah values. Now she's one of five finalists in a Wells Fargo's "Someday Stories" contest (chosen from over 10,000 entries) to win $100,000 to be used to expand the magazine.

Go directly to the voting page at Wells Fargo, and select "Evelyn in MA" (Leah's mother).

Ed. Note: Thank you very much chevra- it is very important that there be appropriate reading material for young Jewish girls, והבן


sruli said...

i know that this may not be the appropriate place for such a question, but what ever happened to the raffle for the $18,000 of travel fare?

sruli said...

wait.... never mind, my question was just answered. For those interested, the drawing will iy"H take place at the alumni reunion.