Thursday, November 20, 2008

Spark Seeking, Day 2: Detroit

Convicted felon & former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's mother, The Hon. U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick שתחי':

"Too many people died for us..."

(Please watch the duration of the clip; Moma bear roars at :32 )

I wish I had more time to meet the citizens of this great city!


Anonymous said...

someone's gotta set up a meeting between that mayor's mom & behar.... "mmmmmm hhmmmm" (say in black woman's voice while moving head between shoulders)

Anonymous said...

yes chevra, and one of THEM is our new president! Mashiach yaavo!

AJO said...

unnhaa, i'm a social workah, i know how ya'all work around her, tell this lovely lady theres an opening in YU caf

sruli said...

whoa- that is very serious, if i may say.

sruli said...

wow, "adam", that is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

chill out

Anonymous said...

oak park in the hizzy