Friday, November 14, 2008

Yahrtzeit Pashkevil


AJO said...

note at 2:30 into the video the yid giving his best attempt at the rav simcha hand over head wave.... also note throughout the video that about only 30% of people in this video know how to play guitar---- a striking parallel to certain individuals from na nach chevra from succos that carry around a guitar as a prop or have confused it as part of the garb......

a little bit

Anonymous said...

does anyone know reb golum, the gabbai from the moshav who plays tambourine at havdallah? is that him on tambourine at 1:45 in the video?!

Anonymous said...

Just saw another very moving video that i never saw before. Reb Shlomo was mamash a rebba- sweetest of the sweet. His zchus should be yagen aleinu.
(A little bit of kol Isha warning from holy sister Neshamela at 6:20)
gut shabbos