Monday, December 01, 2008

עד מתי?

"The outpouring of love and prayer from all around the globe, and from all quarters of society, during this trying time was heartening and supportive. It is a tribute to the selfless life the young couple led. In their memory, let us channel this unity into our own homes and communities, living our lives as they lived their short but productive lives...

...A word to our emissaries, our shluchim and shluchos all around the world: You know how to face adversity and challenges. Keep strong and continue to forge ahead with courage and fortitude in the service of our people and mankind, to make this world a better place to live – for all..."

- Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman, Chabad-Lubavitch Educational & Social Services International

What we can do...

("...the highest form of flattery")

>Blogging break until after the end of Shiva; בשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evil is not essentially evil but a good we cannot see. Although certain events may appear to be evil, this does not express their essential character but only reflects our insufficient understanding. This can be compared to one who is being addressed lovingly but in a language that he does not understand. No matter how many affectionate words are spoken to him, he may experience anger, frustration, the feeling that he is wasting his time, and so forth. Similarly, because we are incapable of understanding, certain levels of goodness that G-d draws down to us appear as imperfect and evil.

(Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
taken from Asimplejew