Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Opiate of the Masses*

הקול קול עשיו..

"Eisav (and his European descendants) are likened to a pig... When laying down, a pig extends its split hoofs in order to attest to being kosher, when in reality it is entirely treif. This is to teach us that the distinguishing trait of Eisav and all his descendants is hypocrisy. God and the Jewish nation can deal with people who regret their evil pasts but not with the hypocrite, because one never knows his true thoughts..." (- Rav Nachman Kahanah)

Thank G-d for sports!! Keeps 'em busy!

*Previously Scheduled for Parshat Toldos


sruli said...

wow- i'm not yet finished going through this post, but i had to stop the video in the middle. They are pretty stupid.

sruli said...

even though what i am going to say contradicts a post by yishai fleischer on his blog, pigs are disguisting.

sruli said...

what's the deal? I mean that's just weird. This woman is actually making herself out to be a pig. What kind of human does such a thing? wo....some people are just very messed up.

Anonymous said...

Thats really one of the scariest things i've ever seen/heard. Woman Arel?? I was told shifcha??

Anonymous said...

sruli would say - oh man thats nuts!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There must be a special "keta" in Perek Shira for this lady..