Monday, December 15, 2008

Yud Tes Kislev

"If the Baal Shem Tov taught that each person has the power to access the Divine, The Alter Rebbe taught how this access can be achieved..."
(Rav Simon Jacobson, cont'd)

"Tanya is a face-to-face meeting with a spiritual master who listens and gives guidance to each and every one of his followers. Tanya is not an encyclopedia of Chasidus. It is a transcript of your yechidus with the Alter Rebbe..." (Rav Shais Taub, cont'd)

"Yud Tes Kislev marks the 'birth' of Chassidism: the point at which it was allowed to emerge from the womb of 'mysticism' into the light of day, to grow and develop as an integral part of Torah and Jewish life..."

"This is our Yom Tov"

1 comment:

sruli said...

yeah we've got to rock out this year.