Thursday, January 22, 2009


“A basic idea underlying Jewish life is that there are no special frameworks for holiness. A man’s relation to God is not set apart on a higher plane, not relegated to some special corner of time and place with all the rest of life taking place somewhere else.

The Jewish attitude is that life in all its aspects, in its totality, must somehow or other be bound up with holiness

--Rav Adin Steinsaltz, The Thiteen Petalled Rose, p.155


Anonymous said...


Akiva Ben Canaan said...

Rav Weinberger discusses the dangers of the mussar movement for average people. Since Mussar tells people that their excitement and emotion for non-spiritual things is pure foolishness, people tend to divide their lives into two separate realms - their "religious" life, of davening and learning, and their "secular" life - working, eating, etc.

Chassidus, by contrast, encourages a unified approach - every emotion, every burst of energy - it can all be used to serve the creator.