Friday, February 06, 2009

שבת שירה




Levite Shlepper said...

Why is the guy at :15 not wearing a hat? Where is the Kovod HaTorah?

(Yes, I am judging, but please forgive me, it is an honest attempt at trying to be frum)

Anonymous said...

Tzarich iyun gadol.

Regardless, every time we practice for a gig I try to get sruli to play this song and he never bites. Now that we see there is a mesorah for it, perhaps he will be more willing.

Zakein Mamrei said...

Do they play Echod?

Anonymous said...

tzavei also plays that song, that is until our guitarist flips out & says, "whoa whoa whoa, no way man"

Anonymous said...

i like the steady balance of tuna baygels and yeshivish kids trying to be cool in this video

Garritanya said...

He probably lost his hat in Bnei Brak - it happens

Anonymous said...

no way.
also, as a possible teretz to your query, it could be that he is actually an underground izhbitzer and felt that by not wearing a hat he would get closer to Hashem.

Anonymous said...

I hear you question rebbi, its not like religion is a private matter or anything

Menachem Mendel said...

Because Rebbi, you'd know if you were yeshivish that you can't "raise the roof" with a hat on.

alicht said...

nice entrance music . . .

i didn't realize that Yisroel Meir Kaplan is the closer of the New York Yankees

Anonymous said...

Sruli - looks like someone was paying attention to Rav Carmy's Antinomian-Izh(alil)bit'z theory.

Anonymous said...

yeah 'leizer, it was difinately the antinomean theory. brother, i wasn't at that class. I don't think i knew about the last like four classes in that course.