Wednesday, February 25, 2009

גוט חודש - Oh Lordy!

Light in Dark Places, Part XI: ראש חודש חזרה והוספה

מעשה אבות סימן לבנים

Yes he can:


Jester said...

Yesh Koneh Olamo b'Shir Echad!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if I'm not mistaken (which I'm not), i believe that the first 2 segments of this post have previously appeared on JBV ... (3/3/08 to be precise)

Levite Shlepper said...

alicht: You are correct, which is why the post reads: "Rosh Chodesh CHAZARA & Hosafa". As always, wea are grateful for your attention to detail. Ashrecha.

Anonymous said...

good point Rebbe; sorry about that - i didn't see the headline on the top

Anonymous said...

great post Rebbe....although it seems to me that the video of "chris" singing meshenichnas adar must be a hoax....the dance done towards the end of the video seems to clearly be that of a caucasian male and not "chris" is pretty funny either way though

Anonymous said...

alicht, good to know youre using that photographic memory for good. after all, if someone comes up to you w/ a gun & says "tell me when the last pick-a-bale-of-cotton post went up on jawbone or i'll kill you!" youll be able to slip out of that scott free. i dont even wanna imagine what would happen if someone came up to me w/ that scenario, o boy that would be bad

Anonymous said...

Oy, there is nothing sweeter than Chazara. I almost forgot about these videos. Yasher Koach!
Turn a cotton picking Adar day into a Marbim B'Simcha!

Anonymous said...

Thas my cousin chris, or is it Stan the man? Alicht is a bum. ya heard??