Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Today in JBV...

Gala Shiur Victory Banquet & Didan Notzach BBQ Celebration

In Honor of The Historic Shiur Tug-Of-War Victory, Mike Kirshenbaum's Return for Second Half Shana Bet from NYU, Sendy Gross' EMT Certification & Yud Shvat

Dear Brother Mike and Chevra,

The news of your return I was so happy to hear,
To be back in reishit for another half a year.

I guess NYU just didn't feel right,

When youre a hetero-yid, and not some foreskinite.

I'm proud of you brother and all of you holy yiddin,

For fighting the good fight and making the right decision.

The previous Rebbe stood strong and fought hard,
Never afraid of silly guns or any Russian guard.

Because fighters fight no matter the opposition,

And on G-ds front line there is no greater position.

Although we weren't in yeshiva all the same year,
We share common goals and are one Rav Judah shiur.

I wish I could join your farbrengen on Nachal Shimshon,

A place we are all happy to call our home.

But if you ever feel down and miss your Father in Heaven,
I'm here for you at 845 642 0667.

We have all spent time in our own personal jail,
But with G-ds help and a l'chayim we shall prevail.

Now lets make a l'chayim and raise your kos,
To the Friedakher, Kirsch and Sendy Gross.

L'Chayim Tovim UL'Shalom!!
From A Talmid...

Moshe Uriel


Anonymous said...

wow Moshe Uriel, that is extremely impressive. Yosher Koach.

Anonymous said...

makes sense kosha dillz is a great poet

Anonymous said...

sweet poem, moshe uriel (kudos on the phone # hint!)

Anonymous said...

Dill bro,
You should like go pro...

Anonymous said...

I also do bar-mitzvahs and weddings. L'chayim

Anonymous said...

These past few posts have been poems and rhymes,
Words that touch the heart in these turbulent times.

I loved your words J-thrill - they were anything but uncanny,
You should be a tutor for kids not in school - like our old neighbor Manny.

I’ve decided to write my own little words of insight,
To celebrate the event that will go on tonight.

While some are immersed in torah - others in tefila,
Others have their avodah in guarding their bris mila.

Others see Hashem through things like music and art,
While others run tzedaka events like Tournaments with Mario kart.

First I'll wish Mazel Tov to R' Judah's shuir,
For puling their way to victory - in Tug-of-War this year.

Next goes to little Kirsch - we'll miss you in the view.
Now that you and Josh Hill are in Israel - what will the monkey do?

In Reishit you’ll have no more college essays - no more searching on Google,
But you also won't have Crown Heights or the Chabbad on Washingron Square North & MacDougal.

We will also miss your presence in YIPYAM a lot,
But no matter what weird things we do, you'll always have your spot.

I guess we'll see you in the Summer - when we start PHI,
So enjoy the rest of the year, and tell Buns I say hi.

As for Sendy Gross - i don't know who you are,
But as a friend of Rav Judah's you must be above par.

I am actually also taking a class for EMT,
But if I treat it anything like college - I'm probably going to get a "c".

I wish you hatzlacha in saving people every day,
You should be blessed by Hashem in every possible way.

As for Yud Shvat I hear my couch is the place to be,
When we Farbrengen tonight at 11:30.

And if anyone needs directions whether you want to walk or drive,
Feel free to call my cell phone at (516) 330-6975.

So with this I’ll close and say goodbye and mazel tov and L’chaim to all of you,
May we bring Mashiach bikarov bimhaira biyameinu!

Dovid'l Weinberg said...

I think someone should tell the official poet laureate (ayein sham to watch his back.
-a chasan

p.s. first post?

alicht said...


Couch Yid, that was very impressive - you should create your own blog

alicht said... your former roommate (hint: not Gary Klein)

[correct answer is Y. Daar]

Anonymous said...

wow Couch Yid thats really great maybe even better than Kosha Dillz' - although us not in the View velt were a little left in the cold about the monkey part.

Anonymous said...

mike, thats not bad, u must have lots of free time in work....lechaim tovim uleshalom, good shaboss to all!

Anonymous said...

ap halevi- great rhyme.

Anonymous said...

wow! mike, talented kid u are, must have lots of free time in work huh? lechaim to all and good shaboss

Anonymous said...

jd, don't be interfering with our business. Unless, of course, you would like to join us, in which case that would be great.

Anonymous said...

oh macdougal.... high school....

Anonymous said...

couch yid- excellent poem.

Anonymous said...

couch yid- great poem.

Levite Shlepper said...

Couch Jew- Ashrecha. Thank you for your excellent contribution.

Menachem Mendel said...

shmuel mayer, you must have a lot of free time in school if your righting such similar posts 2 minutes away from each other.