Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ליל ראש חודש

On the first night of בין הזמנים, what is a Jew to do?


Anonymous said...

Im'a go right up the middle, son. I don't need a road.

Anonymous said...

pie??? is that u T^2???

Anonymous said...

yea, meir banai's cd shema koli is really something, basically every song is awesome & pretty deep too, wow

Levite Shlepper said...

In hindsight, there is another option: pass out in your kids' room at 7:15pm while reading Berenstain Bears books, only to wake up at 11:30 at night to realize that your choice has already been made for you...

Anonymous said...

we all know where the alter rebbe went

Anonymous said...

woah!!!! shnuer zalman baron 770's first post ever!! unless its an faker. JThrill??