Thursday, May 21, 2009

בקשה נפשית

"When Jews gather in one place 'as one man with one mind,' with the goal and purpose of encouraging and strengthening their harmony and -- especially increasing Jewish unity and Ahavas Yisroel; and when such a gathering is held in conjunction with a festive meal, including the toasting of "Le'Chayim" on wine, this increases Jewish Unity...

The Alter Rebbe explained the great value of a Chassidic farbrengen by citing the following parable: When a father sees the conduct of his children, with love, brotherly feelings, peace and friendliness, each one carrying out the wishes of the other and each one caring for the needs of the other just like his own needs, then the father is filled with delight, and he performs wonders and fulfills all their wishes.
It would therefore be most celebrate such gatherings on this coming Shabbos, which is Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan...when we will read Parshas Bamidbar..."

1 comment:

ShiaZ said...

gooooooood, that article says the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlit"a