Monday, May 25, 2009

Stollel Tamid: Shavuos Edition

"...They do not attend synagogue, but rather choose to celebrate services in rented houses, where sometimes throughout the whole night they make great noise, and celebrate services with various songs, jumps, dances. It has frequently been seen that, in this same place chosen for prayer service, they played games in which different drinks are drunk and songs are sung, and they fly out into the street singing, jumping and producing various shouts, which the mayor of the city cannot tolerate, and they are punished by the police for disturbing the peace..."

-Report by Parczew-Przysucha Chief of Police, 1823


ShiaZ said...

sweet, rebbe. after that animal house clip i was expecting another one of d-day flicking his chin for alicht's sake

alicht said...

great speaking with you Rebbe- Have a Chag Kasher V'sameach! (and please make sure HaAdmor's tie knot is overly thick!)