I would have put them in a caravan for a week...that would have instilled the fear of the lord in them...Agav how do i get on this show I'd love a week in the Vim
just as their arrival in the Sinai Desert was in teshuvah, so too they left Refidim having done teshuvah
I would have put them in a caravan for a week...that would have instilled the fear of the lord in them...Agav how do i get on this show I'd love a week in the Vim
just as their arrival in the Sinai Desert was in teshuvah, so too they left Refidim having done teshuvah
wow! I probably havent made a pic since the 05 season, no wonder im no. 2
Nice pic of big Kirsch.
Welcome back Rebbi.
the maiden voyage morning shiur has been getting a lot of love recently
Anonymous: You are #2 b/c of your lack of contact, and because you don't follow the "golden rule" re. inter-gender time alotment. V'havein.
jester: you're not gothic enough to be on the show..
couch yid: for the record, the jew pictured is "bigger" Kirsch; his brother is "big Kirsch"
alicht: let the record show that it was neither a "maiden" nor a "voyage"
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