Monday, June 22, 2009

ג' תמוז in Eretz Yisrael

Sorry chevra, change of plan...

Please have us in mind in your tefillos at The Ohel!
(and pour out a little bit of mashke for me too)
A gutn ג' תמוז

Still Looking forward to greeting Moshiach together...


Anonymous said...

I will do my best to make it... (The Eynikel)

alicht said...

that picture has definately appeared on JBV. before, but it is with great shame that i admit that i don't know when

Anonymous said...

I thought we believe that the Rebbe ISN'T moshiach....

Anonymous said...

are you saying the Rebbe is Mashiach??

Levite Shlepper said...

Anonymous 10:01 & 5:39-
To clarify, I am saying the following:
"Please join me this Wednesday Night, Gimel Tamuz, 10:30pm @ The Ohel. Looking forward to greeting Moshiach together".


Ed. Note re. Anonymity:
Dear posters, you have nothing to be afraid of; we are a virtual group of non-judgemental seekers attempting to build an online Ir Miklat and conscious educational & recreational community.

Our fellowhip is built on the foundations of mutual respect, whole wheat snacks, and General Tso Chicken (pronounced CHOW), and we welcome you (Whether you are an aspiring New Age Soloveitchikian-Habakooknik / Vegan-Meshichist or not).

BTW, reading JBV is good for shiduchim- it gives you something to talk about, and strengthens one's Da'as Torah/ knowledge of Mr. T trivia.

Why would you feel the need to conceal your identity? Don't be afraid or ashamed of that Mr. - or dare I say- "Ms." Anonymous!

Welcome to our Mikvah of postmodern spiritual androginy; there are hooks for your pants by the door...

Unknown said...

Great Ed. Note, well said. Great to be back at JBV. Chodesh Tov L'Kulam!

sruli said...

absolutely hilarious. way to go shlepper.

Gaby said...

the yartzeit of atzaddik is a very holy day whereby a huge light of hittorerut and teshuvah and simcha comes down to our world. and especilay a tzaddik A REBBE leader Nasi Hador- who even though he may not be here physicaly to our gashmi eyes but as we know and the rebbe promised that the leader of the generation is watches over his flock from shamayim and daven for them even moreso now then ever.and by the yidden of the world and JBV getting 2ghter at the OHEL we can bring mashiach
so dear brother prepare for the geulah.

ps. do u htink anonymous 10:01 could be KEVER NEVER??
WTVER HE IS we love u the rebbe loved u but do the olam a favor stop using ur gashmi eyes and use the ruchani ones and ull see the world and the truth in a real way
btw i have a yellow in for u !!!

Gabyd said...


and if it is a miss - then i guess i have to start using my gashmi eyes to see who this rebbetzin is
- and gimmel dose apply to u to The rebbetzin CHayah mushka was onced asked by a child who was selling choclate bars and he came over to the rebbes house and the rebbetzin answered the door and the child asked how come u have no children so the REBBETZIN may in her merit hashem should watch over us- she looked at the boy and said ALL OF AM YISRAEL ARE MY CHILDREN!!
HOPE TO SEE U AT THE OHEL - dnt worry there will be choclate liquer for u.

Anonymous said...

Dear Levite Schlepper
thank you for your warm invitation to shed our concealment and welcoming us wholeheartedly to the Jawbone Valley community. I will admit I am an aspiring new age chabakooknik vegetarian except for shabbos/yomtovs/weddings and i am a MS.!! So for shiduch purposes i will not reveal my identity but thank you for the great torah and chachmah! enjoy the farbreingin...maybe ill make a guest appearance

ShiaZ said...

wow Rebbe, that was really whacky

Anonymous said...


PArshat Behar said...

all these comments are just not pashut. ...that is Until moshiach comes!

ShiaZ said...


gaby d said...

r we still farbrenging tonight??
iam driving in with some gan yisrael alumni.

ps. do u think waldo will be @ the ohel this year???

Devar Malchus victim said...

ps. free devar malchut @ the ohel - Y.U. boyz there is a chshuv order from the MAIN BAIS for 770 devar malchut copies GIMMEL TAMUZ EDITION - who wants the zechut to deliver it???

ps. there is a room on muss 2 that requested 2 copies but must be delivered @ 1:30 am when all light go off on there floor - also they requested that no one with a beard and peyos deliver it they dont want any chashash of being labled happy.

sruli said...

brother, why the judgements?

machinegunfodder said...

A short Maaseh for Kehilah Kedoshe JBV that I recently heard about the Rebbe. The story goes that Ariel Sharon once asked the Rebbe why he didn't make aliyah tothe holy land, to which the Rebbe replied "you're an army man and in the army the general leads his troops into battle, but i'm a navy man (the rebbe worked as an engineer in the brooklyn navy yard I believe) and the captain is the last man off of the ship. May we all soon merit to abandon ship.

π said...

What's good party people? About Mashiach, that dude/happening sounds good right about now (no funk soul brothers). Otherwise, looking forward to seeing the moderator (and The Moderator) in da usa soon. And, Alicht, what's good, son? I'm back.

Gaby said...

TT its your bro from rubin 770-
may it b with ur return that the messiah man will be exposed to the world.
ps. sruli pinchaas was a Kannai and he was zoche to be eliyahu- who is known as malach habrit- and it is said by pinchas briti shalom. there are no judgement being made only a revolution. and the revolution will only be succesful if it begins in the place where people are thirsty for it the main bais. i wish you would come and join me in the main bais during your sedarim ur mitziut there is enough to awaken the deepest yearning of our fellow main bais brothers to not only learn the torah that hashem gave us but rather- like the rebbe rashab once said to rav chaim (not the sanzer- there is a story about this a fellow brother in yu came over to me 3 weeks ago and asked me if i want to here a great shtikle from reb chaim so i said Rav Chaim of Saznz ofcourse so he said brisker so i said sure) of brisk- torah torah torah wat about the NOTEN hatorah and sruli u can help us expose and reveal the Noten hatorah - love u bro, hope to c u in yerushalim soon- as raz said the olam is mevakesh et A-DNUT LETS TRY TO GIVE IT TO THEM.