Monday, July 20, 2009

From Planet Lovetron...

Friends of JBV:

Mazal Tov to Rabbeinu Darryl Dawkins shlit"a on his appointment as Honorary Nasi of the Moetzes Gedolei JBV

Ed. Note: We will resume regular broadcasts following the Bein Hameitzarim & Rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash (or Mitzva Boy's wedding- whichever comes first).


Levite Shlepper said...

R' Darryl is so massive (B'ruchniyus u'bgashmiyus) that even his historic JBV shout out & recorded image can not be contained in the finite vessel of digital media (that's why it had to be cut off at the end to remind us of his Pseudo-Infinite nature.) YECHI #53!!

HaAdmor M'Hungov said...

That's gevalt!

alicht said...

somewhere, HaAsafsi (aka Sof) is shepping nachas . . .

Anonymous said...

Wowzer...imagine what would've happened if the Rav didn't go to Israel for the year...

imagine Shana Bet though...
EZ Fast