Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Shabbos in Parksville

With a


Anonymous said...

For how many years can you use this psak? I'm out of camp six years and still going strong!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Its not a camp heter, its a camp chiyuv!

Anonymous said...

this is a dining room sign in the making...excellent!

rubin770 said...

Dun Aryeh said...

Shmuel Dovid Ravitsh (from moshiach oi, nanach) of Tzfat is trying to reach you. Please call him at 077-534-0037

Anonymous said...

"dining room sign in the making"? i thought that the hasc dining room signs were specifically designated as a kosher way for post shana-aleph guys to flirt with their waitresses who won't even think about talking to them anyway after their 2 years in michlala.....

Anonymous said...

Rubin770 although is always rockin, was there something in specific you wanted to point out to us? and if so, please share yo.-Ms.

Levite Shlepper said...

Anon 4:32- Excellent He'arah!

Rubin 770 said...

anno- 12:44-
ya there was a picture of these bachurim puting on teffilin on a fellow jew that has a massive blue mohawk- ..i thought it was a nice kodak moment. especillay trying to balance the kippa.

ps. wats the deal with being ANNO. is it not enough that this world it all hester to the max.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly why is muttar to make signs for your waitress; it's flirting with a shinui