Sunday, August 23, 2009

18/2 Nachal Shimshon

Does anybody have some extra money they'd like to invest?


alicht said...

is that referring to your house or the one next door?

(on Ayekah? it says 18/1, on JBV it says 18/2)

Levite Shlepper said...

As usual, an astute observation from the Official Proof-reader of JBV; Limaskana, Halacha K'JBV.

sruli said...

one second, i also noticed that, i just did not comment about it. may i still receive praise?

Levite Shlepper said...

For Sruli:

ShiaZ said...

nicely done, rebbe, very 90's of you

Ash said...

that is very 90's. and although sruli did make the comment, i think its JW who actually used the song for the shiur games and to quote alicht from that same night "these games are 1 of the 2 reasons i came back shana bet"

Ap Halevi said...

more sruli