Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hodesh Tov!

משלוח מנות איש לרעהו ומתנות לאביונים


Dovid'l Weinberg said...

B"H, the Rebbetzin and I were zocheh to attend Chaggai shiur last night [incidently, the first prophetic speech in Chagai was delivered on Rosh Chodesh Elul...tssssss]...Amazing teachings were shared, amazing teachers were present (including several teachers named Reuven [ha'meivin yavin.])

Great teachings include:

1)Rav Machlis attempted to learn mesechet maakot many times with many different commentaries and was not successful until he learnt it with the "commentary" of Michael Fay…

2)Eretz Yisrael isn't just a location, it is a civilization intertwined with am Yisrael waiting to be built.

3)Misc fact of the night: Rav Machlis's father's favorite vort... Dovid Hamelech's desire to be "shivti b'veis Hashem" and yet "l'vaker" to always feel like a visitor, fresh and new.

It's good to be home...

sruli said...

i think that my favorite part of that video is between the seconds of 3:39 and 3:48.