Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hup Cossack

"It once happened that a Jew who had rented an inn from the local landlord had fallen behind in his payments and was jailed. The landlord announced that on a particular day this Jew was to be dressed in a bear costume and to compete in a dance contest. The Shpoler Zeide put his life on the line and secretly took the place of this unfortunate Jew. This is the song to which they danced:


Menachem Mendel said...


"The wedding was very spiritual (the Chupah was absolutely beautiful, led by nigunim from my chaver, Eitan Katz) while at the same time very wild (what else would you expect when the mesader keddushin is the Holy Levite Shlepper from Jawbone Valley."

Anonymous said...

can you tell me who painted the wedding picture you used on May 14, 2009? Thanks.