Tuesday, September 29, 2009

מוצאי יוה''כ 5-770

Editorial He'arot:

@3:00 -Shout-Out for Kovod HaTeireh

@3:54 - Amaaaazing. We knew he was the right guy for the job! Arguably his best performance since... The attempted pit takeover was brief, but meaningful.

B"H the video stops before the singing continues; that part of the song is very hard for me to handle..

*Video courtesy of R. Dani Waxman


Anonymous said...

When did the shieruts leave to go into town?

Mkirsch said...

4:05 i think the shlepper is attacking the chicken hog

zlou said...

who let that ohr reuven guy into reishis?

Adam said...

i am all about "brief but meanigful"