Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Finalists

A blue ribbon panel has been convened to determine the winning video entry:

A hearty yasher koach to all those who contributed!


zlou said...

gotta give props to mine bruder for most gutsy performance.....
my only disappointment in this competition comes from the fact that nobody thought to get the Italianer Ruv, Harav Umberto Piperno shlita, to seal an easy victory..

alicht said...

I think 'steen would agree, that the Apt 41 video is reminiscent of Lipa Schmeltzer's "Hentalach Around the World" video.

Anonymous said...

ive never seen so many shluchim without any beards...somethings off....

TzidkasAzriel said...

to Anon 10:32
we are only missing our connectors!