Tuesday, November 03, 2009

You Never Know

"...the world always thinks that religious people are the ones who are close to God, and non-religious ones don't care about God. But it is often the case that the non religious people are yearning for something so deep and they look at the religious people and they don't find that there. People who are announcing themselves as messengers of God are often very mediocre people and they don't even sense the yearning of those unbelieving people..."


Jester said...

Stop all this hatred
Sing the song of Shabbos
Love one another
Sing the sing of Shabbos

(I cry everytime I hear this song..thank you for letting me share)

π said...

This quote pretty much captures where I'm at, and where I've always been at. Good look on the post, rav Shimshon Chai.