Sunday, November 29, 2009

י''ט כסלו @ YU, Part II

“The Rav tells that when he was a child living in Warsaw, his family lived in the poor section, with the Chasidim who were generally poor. He would see the water carriers, Jewish coolies, walking along. These were so strong, so dedicated to their work, that they were like walking closets: a closet of water with feet sticking out. But you would see the same water carrier on Shabbat, he is 6'3" and proud, 6'6" in his spodik, full of the dignity and sanctity of the Chasidic life.
The Rav lived 3 doors down from the Modzitzer shteeble. He would walk past them on motzei Shabbos, hearing them singing and dancing far into the night. Once he poked his head in and asked, When will you daven maariv? One of the Chasidim answered, "דו בענקסט זיך נאך די וואך" ? (do you really long for the week?)

The Chasidic lifestyle is full of joy, dignity and sanctity,
a quality which we lack...”

1 comment:

Jester said...

Methinks when the great rabbinic intern is looking for some sort of nomenclature for the historic movement he is currently in the forefront of
(leaving aside the issue of whether or not it is premature to name something as it is going down) rather then use terms already used in the Matrix (although neo is osios one) he would be well advised to choose a name from more chashuva stock aka the "Jewish coolies".