Monday, January 18, 2010

Ich Hub a Feeling


Cheese Choker said...

side note #6- "the devils flute"=indecent seductive tones....alright!

Jordan said...

I heard a rumor that yidcore is releasing a new album to fit the vaad's requirements for kosher music. The yeshiva has already pre-ordered a copy to play for wake-up.

(I heard no such rumor and I was merely being silly)

Ash said...

wow check out the action on the side, lipa macking on his blackberry,

tuli said...

Is this real??

tuli said...

Is this real??

Anonymous said...

They forgot to add that if you play Lipa's last album backwards, you can hear the devil bash the Gedolim.

צדקת עזריאל said...

i was advised by someone to take up the clarinet...i guess this means a battle between me and CC!

Daniel said...

Side note, Is the trumpet player in the back "Blue Lou" Marini from the movie blues brothers... it looks like him.