Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Light in Dark Places, Part XXIV




Levite Shlepper said...

A-licht: Be honest- how long did it take you to notice the jump from Part XII to XXIV?

Just making sure you're paying attention over there.

Mkirsch said...

I think it would be more appropriately named dark in light places

HaAdmor M'Hungov said...

That was quick...

TzidkasAzriel said...

Its amazing that he cant wear a not tilted hat for more than a second

alicht said...

yeah - i was thinking there was absolutely no way that there were 12 in between that I missed.

(also just a technical point - XII and XXIV are numbers; they can't "jump")

zlou said...

alicht- firstly, Rebbe shlita clearly did not say that the numbers jumped, rather that he/we jumped from XII to XXIV (jumping in that context also most probably being figurative and not literal, but either way definitely not referring to the numbers themselves).
secondly, to be more specific, they aren't actually numbers, they are roman numerals (i.e. letters that REPRESENT certain numbers)....

Yosef said...

not pashut. geshmak. bringing the geula? efshar...

ariel said...

Pretty sure he played at my wedding...