Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Original Artwork of Mrs. Vered Karduner

Anyone familiar with the beautiful niggunim of Reb Yosef Karduner will recognize the same sincerity, chein and sweetness in his Rebbetzin's painting.

Mrs. Karduner uses watercolor, oil/ canvas and a variety of materials to express themes of tefillah & spiritual yearning (Hishtokekus) in the same honest and simple, authentic and heartfelt way that her husbands composes and sings.

These are a copule of samples of paintings that are hanging in their apartment in Ramat Beit Shemesh that were photographed as is (so please excuse the poor quality!). Vered paints in her spare time and has recently begun selling her work to supplement their income.

The watercolor painting (on the left) is of a teaching from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy''a.

She could design a custom painting in that same style with any teaching, pesukim, name, slogan or whatever, in the color scheme of your choice!

The original artwork from the Album covers of "Kol HaOlam" & "Osef
L'yedidai" (pictured below) are also for sale.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing or ordering a painting.

Tizku L'Mitzvos!

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