Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Preparing for Purim: Elul 5766

Chasdei Hashem!

30 kilo. (60+ lbs.) of holy grapes from the Chevron Hills arrived this week, and we were zocheh to initiate the process of making wine for our fifth season (Ad Meah V'Esrim!).

Each year since making Aliyah we have had the merit of being involved in the avoda of wine-making from start to finish: from immediately following the harvest to BE"H enjoying the wine on Purim.

The grapes were harvested from the vineyards of the righteous Livni Family of Kiryat Arba. With Hashem's help, we anticipate Samson's Return to be ready in 6 months time.

Ayelet Hashachar,
Tiferet Moriyah &
Ahuva Chemda each got in on the action!

(Special Thanks to the Perlowitz chevra for their help!)

All Jawbone Valley wine is crushed by foot, and prepared with the utmost of care and joy- specifically L'chvod Purim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The feet of the children of Eretz Yisrael add great depth of flavor to Jawbone Valley Wine. I highly recommend it as a table wine!