Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Restoring מוחין דגדלות

Ed. Note:
Between American, and local Israeli elections, there has been alot of labeling, confusion, cynicism and negativity in the air... Time to re-orient our vision, clear the palate and restore focus toward authentic, Jewish expression:


sruli said...

wow, great video. Is that Meir Banai?

Anonymous said...

wow, i know im a couple days late here, but that was the coolest thing i've ever seen. and sruli that was certainly not meir banai, i don't know who it was, but it wasn't meir banai

Anonymous said...

C'mon Sruli!

The video is a niggun from Tal Halevy, featured with his wife (on piano) live on Arutz Sheva, here:
