Friday, December 19, 2008

Achdus Mash-Ups

Chasdei Hashem!
בשורות טובות
ישועות ונחמות

Ed. Note: Nice kipah Yonatan!


Anonymous said...

wow, very wow, that Rav Scheinberg Shlit"a/Rav Ovadia Shlit"a video, super duper wow

sruli said...

Baruch Hashem

sruli said...

wow- not a pashut post

Anonymous said...

you can catch Rav Ovadia Shlit"a giving a "ben Porat Yosef" at 1:54

Levite Shlepper said...

Special thanks to The Official Mashpiah of JBV shlit"a, for the Rav Ovadia & Rav Scheinberg clip!