Wednesday, December 17, 2008

אין עוד מלבדו- בניו יורק

JBV Productions / Cong. Bnei Heichala International Presents:

אין עוד מלבדו

Shivi Keller Spark Raising Tour

Dec 31- Jan 14th / Dates available for booking!

To sponsor or help arrange a concert, kumzits, Hisvaadus, gathering etc. - please contact our adminstrative offices ASAP! (or email

Ed. Note: Chevra, let's make this happen!


Anonymous said...

after the first shivi video finished on youtube, on the bottom they offered the option of viewing moshe levy at the shlepper's backyard bbq featuring yoni stokar and evan bochner, as well as ayelet and tiferet.

Anonymous said...

Galus will never be the same...