Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chevra Farbringing it w/ R' Leib Groner @ 770

The only question is: why is Shneur Zalman's hat brim not at a 90 degree angle yet?

Pictured Above: Mulu tries to distract The Thriller by offering him an unidentified drink in a styrofoam cup.

Why does everyone keep leaving Ash out of all the pictures?


Anonymous said...

getting left out of pictures is nothing new for me, if you recall the Jawbone Valley shuir picture after the Chanukah games. I was just glad to make it in the first

Anonymous said...

This time I did not tell anyone I was an Eynekil... I did not want to be called shietgitz again...

Anonymous said...

omg (and that means oh my goodness, not oh my G-d)the spring can as the unidentified drink really got me to laugh. and, shlepper, you always ask the right questions: why is shneur zalman's hat not yet at 90 Degrees. and why does ash always get shorthanded. These are very significant questions.

Anonymous said...

I hear, schubin. Do you always check out jawbone valley? In addition, it happens to be that i was thinking about you today.

AJO said...

in classic moonbaz style, becoming quite helpful when intoxicated, and offering drinks to just about anyone ready to pass out

sruli said...

nice call"adam."