Sunday, November 01, 2009


לענ''ד of the most powerful eight minutes in the history of video recordings:

לענ''ד, of the most powerful 30 seconds of pandemonium, confusion & yearning in the history of JBV:

Ed. He'arah: There are way too many he'arot to be made re this clip... it is the deepest of the deepest, mamish beyond...


Levite Shlepper said...

My favorite moment is @ :10 > when Milvaker's doppelganger goes in for a subtle sniff, R' Moshe is shouting something about the meaning of his son's name, the One Chord Tzadiq singsa beautiful harmony w/ Rocky, while, k'darko bakodesh, The Rebbe Reb Dov enjoys his chumus and chicken supper, conducting business as usual. Ashreinu

Jester said...

He was following in the footsteps of the holy Divrei Chaim of Sanz

"I smell the fragrance of Gan Eden (Paradise) here."