Friday, January 23, 2009

Hardcore Shabbos Prep.

לכבוד ש''ק

Even more serious: (May be a problem, but not Kol Isha)

Welcome to the World of:

יום שכולו שבת:


Anonymous said...

oy vey- i do like it tho.

Anonymous said...

oh my- the second one is better

Anonymous said...

wow- this is very different.

Anonymous said...

is the lead singer zalman? The Baal Tanya? Al these look alikes are dirving me crazy.

Anonymous said...

these guys are a chillul hashem, please take them down.

Anonymous said...

Wow those guys really love shabbos...

Anonymous said...

sruli's probably gonna say "oh my"

Levite Shlepper said...

Anonymous @ 6:57 -- Please chill out and go post your Kol Korays somewhere else- like Vos is Neias, Yeshiva World or somewhere your negative & judgemental opinions will be more appreciated. Be Blessed and take it easy.

Anonymous said...

this couch yid is really funny.

Anonymous said...

nice call shiaz calling my comment- how did you know I was going to say that?

Anonymous said...

shlepper- way to maintain the decorum around here. we don't need the negative ones.

alicht said...

yeah, great job rebbe -
you really "'swieged" him!

(i wonder if he's related to anon @ know what i mean)

Levite Shlepper said...

Sruli & ALicht- thank you for your support of Daas Torah.