nice, dovid'l, that brought me back to when i was 9 and my parents didnt know who rage against the machine were, so they almost let me & my brothers go to a cocert, they then decided not to let us go after they saw in the newspaper that the proceeds went to try & get a cop killer out of jail, talk about npt
AIn Licha Ben Chorim Ela Me Sheosek Batorah
Who knows where home is anymore, na'mean?
Jester, that's not freedom.
This is...
By the way, has anyone seen my hat?
nice, dovid'l, that brought me back to when i was 9 and my parents didnt know who rage against the machine were, so they almost let me & my brothers go to a cocert, they then decided not to let us go after they saw in the newspaper that the proceeds went to try & get a cop killer out of jail, talk about npt
Dovid'l - Were you in my class Junior year?
btw - their drummer is a yid
(i caught that reference, Rebbe...NPT)
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